Sunday, March 31, 2019

Do Good

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Paul in Galatians 6:9

In my 15+ years in the department, I've seen a lot of good done by our members. I've seen tires changed, wheelchairs pushed, yards mowed, groceries purchased, bikes bought and assembled, students tutored, and so much more. Our members are in the habit of going above and beyond. The picture above is a prime example of how we love and serve our community. Station 93D invited this family to dinner after they lost everything in an apartment fire, and their kindness didn't stop there. This is what it's all about: seeing a need, having compassion, and meeting that need.

As believers, we understand that we are blessed to be a blessing and it is better to give than to receive. If we're not careful, it is easy for poor leadership, politics, exes, bad news, and our own personal problems and struggles to discourage us from caring about anything or anyone. The Apostle Paul urges us to not get tired of doing the right thing. No matter what's going on in your life or at city hall, keep doing good. Keep going above and beyond. Keep treating others like family. Treat your family like family. You are blessed, now go and be a blessing.
-Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Sunday, March 24, 2019


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
- Jesus in Matthew 11:28

Every firefighter I know is burning the perpetual candle at both ends. Our 24 hour shifts lend to countless sleepless nights and cold meals. Then after we don't sleep at night, we go to work our second and third jobs just to make ends meet, and then we do it again. Throw managing our relationships plus all crap that life tends to throw at us, and we become men and women who are always tired. We are flat out exhausted in every way: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our fight for parity just adds to and magnifies that toll.

There are numerous studies, medications, and techniques for getting good rest. We should heed any and every good advice in this arena. However, I do not want us to neglect the most powerful force out there: Christ. If you're like me, you try to take matters into your own hands and keep "pushing through." It's not efficient or effective. Christ asks us to come to Him so that He may take our burdens and give us rest. In exchange for our mental exhaustion He grants us peace of mind. He gives us His strength for our weakness. I encourage you to give your worries, anger, stress, and frustrations to Him. He can handle it better than any of us ever will, so give it to Him.

Today, and every day, take some time to pray or meditate, read the Holy Scriptures, go to Church or watch it online. Connect with the living God, and ask him to take the junk that is beating you down. Ask Him to give you rest. He will. He promises it. Be blessed.

-Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Guideline 5.13

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another”  Galatians 5:13ESV
Our Guidelines are there to serve as references for safe practices so that we may perform to the best of our abilities as firefighters. The Bible is there to serve as God’s written instruction to completely recognize our need for a Savior as sinners, reorganize our thoughts as servants in Christ, and recommit ourselves as servants to His needs. The Apostle Paul wrote Galatians to the people of Galatia to proclaim justification by faith. This may seem like a “no-brainer” for believers in Christ, but obviously the Lord saw a need for it to be delivered. In much the same way certain Guidelines in the department should be “no-brainers,” we in fact have them in writing for a reason. Galatians 5:13 serves as an SOP so we understand what is expected from us and as a Guideline of commitment to "serve one another."


Father, may Your words be used as a prying tool to create a wedge of conviction and commitment in my heart for those that I serve. May You always be first-in to every fire we are called to engage and protect us. It is only by Your grace and mercy that we enjoy Your fruits. Bless those that are searching, and may we always seek Your kingdom first. In Your Son's Holy Name, Amen.
- Anonymous HFD FF

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Iron Sharpens Iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
-Proverbs 27:17

There are certain names in the Houston Fire Department that command respect. They are the names of the officers who mold the men and women of HFD into well trained, highly efficient firefighting machines. These names are revered in and outside of the department. I'll bet several names come to your mind when you think of the officers and firefighters who make everyone around them better.

Who is making you a better person? We all need someone to push and challenge us to be better versions of ourselves. It is well documented that those who workout with others who they perceive are better will push themselves harder and thus achieve better results. This is one of the reasons why that workout cult that rhymes with moss pit is so successful. 

So it is with all of life. Want to be a better spouse? Friend? Parent? Citizen? Neighbor? Christian? Find yourself someone who challenges you to be better. This person ought to be someone living it, not merely talking about it. They are solid and grounded in every area of life. They know the scriptures and are living out those truths. They are not mere listeners of the Word, they are doers. We should invest in relationships that foster mutual respect and accountability so that we can sharpen each other. Find that person. Be that person. 

- Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Sunday, March 3, 2019

In Pursuit of Greatness

"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant..." - Jesus in Matthew 20:26 

In our society greatness is coveted. It is revered. The talking heads have us debating the G.O.A.T.s of this and that all the time. Those who are considered great in our eyes are the ones who have sacrificed their blood, sweat, and tears. They have performed amazing feats and have made it to the pinnacle of their profession. The greats have worked harder and slept less than anyone else. They have devoted their lives to and perfected their craft.

In our profession, the greats are those who know their job, never stop learning, work at the busiest houses, make the most fires/runs and pass on their knowledge to anyone willing to listen and learn. The greats in firefighting stare death and destruction in the eye, don't flinch outwardly, and have the accolades to prove it. Hopefully we all aspire to be great in our profession. Greatness should be heralded and expected, especially when lives depend on it.

While having our peers or the general public herald us as great is honorable, we should desire to be great in God's eyes. Jesus says it simply. To be great is to serve. I knew a firefighter who served better than most. His name was Herman. On his off days, unbeknownst to most, Herman was said to have taken meals to and spent countless hours with a brother firefighter who lost everything while battling cancer. He would privately write checks or donate food and toys any time his church was feeding the hungry for Thanksgiving or providing gifts for kids during Christmas. If you needed help moving, you had his time and his truck. If you had a need and he knew about it, chances are he would meet it without being asked and without you being present to thank him. Herman was a servant in every sense of the word. Though quiet and reserved, he was great.

True servants serve without being asked.They give of their time and resources without hesitation and without expecting anything in return. They certainly do not care about recognition. They can be found serving their families, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers on a daily basis. Those who are great in God's eyes embrace serving as a lifestyle. 
 -Captain Bobby Delgado, HFD Chaplain