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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Til Death Do Us Part

"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part: the traditional wedding vows. We can all recite them on cue. The words seem to be perfect for the occasion, but they are more than just nice poetic words. While standing before our friends, family, and God, we are making a commitment to be there with and for each other in every situation. Sometimes we forget that love is not defined by our feelings but by our actions. Life is guaranteed to be hard. Being married to a firefighter usually makes life harder.

I recently got to visit one of our retirees in the hospital just before he headed to home hospice. His frail body was hanging on by a thin thread as cancer was ravaging his body. His wife of 40+ years was right by his side holding his hand as she had done for the last year and a half. In their decades of marriage they've seen all of the highs and lows that come with being a Houston Firefighter, raising children, aging, and fighting a terrible disease. No matter what life gave them, they faced it together.

He spoke of how she had always been by his side offering her love and support. She told of how he always took care of her and was a good man. I watched as he ordered them lunch, taking time to read her the menu because her vision is failing. They both shared how their faith had everything to do with them still being together because they choose to honor God above themselves. I'm amazed at how, while in pain and dying, he managed to downsize their home, get them moved, and pay all of her bills for the next year knowing he wouldn't be around. He is still loving his wife even after his death. That my friends, is love. Beautiful. Beautiful. Love.

I'm certain that neither of them were perfect. I don't doubt that they had their fair share of fights and arguments. Through it all, they chose to hold their wedding vows sacred. Cancer didn't stop her from loving him, and death couldn't stop him from loving her.
-Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Thursday, April 25, 2019

He Has Risen

"...Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!"
-The Angels at Jesus' Tomb in Luke 24:5-6
You and your crew are dispatched to a serious trauma call: Extrication, Shooting, Stabbing, etc... The call notes lend to this being a legit call. You rush to the given address to find nothing: no patient, no MVI, no semblance of an emergency whatsoever. You begin to think. Is this a prank call? Did the caller provide the right address? Did the call taker jot down the wrong address? These are all definite possibilities. In your gut you know there is a citizen in need of help. One thing I know about firefighters is that we relish the opportunity to do our jobs and make a difference. Scenarios like this can be frustrating.  

On the Sunday morning after Jesus was crucified, some of Jesus' closest friends went to finish the burial process by placing a mix of oils and spices to keep the stench of a dead body to a minimum. They were forbidden from doing so on Saturday,  their Sabbath. Imagine their surprise and horror as they find the body of their beloved Jesus is missing. GOA. Vanished. "He gone." Where's the body? Did they have the right tomb?

Jesus had told his followers on more than one occasion that He would die and be raised to life. They would have known the tens of  Old Testament prophecies concerning His death and resurrection. Maybe his friends didn't really believe any of it. Why would they? Who does that- rise from the dead? It's definitely not normal. They've seen Him raise other dead people, could He raise Himself?

In rising from the dead, Christ shows His POWER and DEITY. He does what only God can do. A death caused by severe trauma from a massive loss of blood volume, MODS, and asphyxiation could not keep Him down. If He has the power to defeat death, He has the power to forgive sins and grant eternal life. He has the power to answer prayers, meet your needs, and heal your ailments.

He did what He said He would do, making Him TRUSTWORTHY. We can trust in the hundreds of promises found for us in the Bible. 

 A risen Savior is a PRESENT Savior. He is always there for us. He isn't an absentee God. He doesn't  take days off. He's with us now. Today, you can place your hope and trust in the God who conquered death and lives forevermore.
-Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Thursday, April 18, 2019

No Greater Love

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
-Jesus in John 15:13
Most firefighters are aware of and can quote the above scripture. It is often used to eulogize and memorialize those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Firefighting is indeed a noble profession. One where we sign up to risk our lives to save the lives of complete strangers. Firefighting is truly God's work.

Jesus spoke these words just days before he gave his life for all of humanity. Jesus willfully endured excruciating pain and suffering at the hands of the professional Roman executioners. The Holy Scriptures teach us that on the cross Jesus stood in our place and took the punishment for our sins so that all who would believe in Him would have: their sins forgiven and a restored relationship with
God. His motivation for suffering, LOVE.

"Love each other as I have loved you..." are the words uttered by Jesus just before "Greater love has no one than this." He taught and showed us how to live and love. He reinforced His teaching with action. He gave His life for ours.

This Good Friday, as we reflect and give thanks for the greatest act of love the world has ever known, may we choose to love as Jesus did. May we love in word and deed. May we love unconditionally, selflessly, and sacrificially. 
Be Blessed,
Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain

Monday, April 15, 2019

Just Ask

"Ask, and it will be given to you . . ."  -Matthew 7:7

In Matthew 7:7, Jesus helps us understand how powerful prayer is. He tells those around him to ask for what they need, and they will receive it. As Christians, it is important to have a strong prayer life. Many situations can be alleviated just by talking to God about them. Whether it be marital problems, financial problems, or health issues, it all will be positively affected through the power of prayer. We can even improve many areas of our lives through prayer. If you ask God for wisdom, strength, patience, and/or love, He will give it to you. 

Not only should we pray for what we need, we should also pray for the needs of others. When was the last time you prayed for someone other than yourself? When was the last time you prayed for someone other than a family member? When was the last time you prayed for your crew? When was the last time you prayed for a patient? When was the last time you prayed for your enemies? Many conflicts we experience in life can be resolved by asking God to touch the hearts of others.

 One of the best things about prayer is that it can be done anytime and any place. You can pray in your bed when you wake up in the morning. You can pray in your car on your way to work. You can even pray at work when faced with a daunting task. No matter when or where you pray, God will always be available.

 Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that we as Christians have in our tool box. When we learn to utilize prayer to the fullest, we begin to see just how effective it can be. We begin to see just how powerful it is (see James 5:16). Through prayer, we can talk to our Heavenly Father one on one. Through prayer, we can release our worries and our cares to him. Often we struggle with the pressure and stresses of life simply because we have no relief valve. One of the best stress relievers is prayer. Through prayer, we can release our frustrations and concerns to God. The next time you are concerned or bothered by an issue, try talking to God about it.

                                                                                                                       -Captain Rinthian Pickney,
                                                                                                                                        HFD Station 42C

Monday, April 1, 2019

God is Love

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 
-1 John 4:8

The God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is Love. Love is His very character and nature. The Holy Scriptures define love for us in 1 Corinthians 13. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...” The best example of love is found in Jesus: “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life(John 3:16)."

In our Solar System, the Sun is always shining. There is never a moment when it ceases to shine. In the same way, our God is always loving. When you walk outside on a sunny day, you can feel the warmth of the Sun's rays. When we turn our face towards Him and draw near to God, we will have the rays of His love bestowed upon us, for God is love. Sometimes the worries and troubles of this life make it seem that we are not loved. In these times, turn to God because He is Love. Since He is love, your are loved. Always. Amen.
-Kenneth W. Payne, HFD Chief Communications