"Whoever is slack in his work is a brother to him who destroys." -Proverbs 18:9
"Slug" is one of those names that you do not want attached to you in the fire department. Hard work is an essential asset of anyone wishing to succeed in the fire service. While cleaning toilets as a young "tabber" at Station 12, my captain told me that I would go far in the fire department if I kept up my work ethic. My chief at Station 82 made it a point to instruct me not to be like the previous rookie, who earned the notorious label "slug." As an officer it is easy to see that the best firefighters are the ones who are always working. Hard work ensures that everything is in a state of readiness for whatever the shift may throw at you. Simply put by someone, hard work pays off.
One of the keys to life is not being afraid of work and getting our hands dirty. We should relish the opportunity to put forth our best effort in whatever we do, "as unto the Lord(Colossians 3:23)." Every wake up call is a chance to do God's work. Maintaining relationships takes work. Repairing damaged ones, even more work. Staying connected to God does take work on our part. Loving your neighbor, yup, takes work. Loving your enemy, serious work. Racial reconciliation, you guessed it, takes work. Changing your world, a lifetime of work.
The implications of being a slacker are related to destruction. Consider unkempt yards, dilapidated homes, failing relationships, preventable diseases, financial struggles, societal unrest, divided communities, and feeling distant from God. A slack attitude in life leads to loss at every corner and is downright sinful to those around us and to God. Start with putting in the work of knowing and loving God. In turn, He will guide you in putting in the work of loving your spouse, children, neighbor(everyone), enemy, and world. Then and only then will we see true transformation.
May the LORD bless you and keep you!
Senior Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain