Sunday, April 18, 2021

My Redeemer Lives

"I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth." -Job 19:25

In the oldest book of the Bible, we find the story of Job. He was a man of great wealth, honor, and integrity. He worshipped God and took care of those less fortunate. Even though it appears he did everything right, he still lost everything near and dear to him: his children, wealth, and health. The scriptures tell us that in all of his pain and suffering he did not curse God. He questioned God, reasoned with God, and cried out to Him, but he did not curse Him.

Job faced accusations, indifference, and isolation from those closest to him. In the midst of great physical and mental anguish, Job chose to trust God. His statement, "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth," is one of great faith. It is sometimes hard to believe God exists and cares for us when life is hard. It is in those times that we have to dig in and lean on Who and what we know. The only way you can say God is alive, He is near, and He will one day make all of this right either in this life or the next, is by knowing Him. We cannot know God if we don't know His Word(Bible). We can't know God if we stay away from His people(The Church). And we cannot know God if we don' talk to Him(pray).

Like Job, firefighters and first responders are generally considered "good" people. We are the protectors of society who took an oath to protect lives and property. We go to work every day willing to risk our lives to save others. Our acts of service and heroism while noble, don't make us immune to pain and suffering, neither do praying and going to church. 

On the fire ground and in life, we are defined by how we respond to adversity. Our first response should always be to trust in Christ. Choose to believe even when you can't see or feel God working. Choose to believe when doubt creeps in. When you know God, the easier it is to trust Him and His plan. May we be able to proclaim in every situation, "I know my Redeemer lives!"

May the LORD Bless You and Keep You!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The First Zombies?

"The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" - Matthew 27:52
Ok. They probably weren't actually zombies, but why doesn't anyone ever mention this verse in conjunction with the Crucifixion? Dead people resurrected in the tombs is a major deal! Jesus has just breathed His last breath. The earth shook and the veil in the temple was torn in two. This let's us know that Jesus' death gives us direct access to God. There are no more barriers or needs for religious ceremonies and sacrifices. Jesus said, "It is finished." Matthew and only Matthew then mentions that the dead woke up!

Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is defined by the miraculous. The virgin birth? Miraculous. Water into wine, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, the dead rising? All miraculous. The power of Sin and Death defeated once and for all? MIRACULOUS!

God promised in Isaiah 26:19 that the "dead will live." As always God is the only one who 100% undeniably keeps His promises. Many of us first responders have seen the power of D50 wake someone in insulin shock. I've always marveled at the power of Narcan to resurrect a person overdosed on heroin. Yet nothing compares to the POWER of the CROSS!

Because Jesus Died and Rose, we can LIVE!!! The living people in the tombs are evidence of the new order of things. Death has lost its victory and its sting! We can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil! We take complete comfort and have confidence in Jesus' words- another promise: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE!" This my friend is a big, big, deal and reason to celebrate!
May the LORD Bless You and Keep You,