“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." -John 10:11
"Making grabs" is the ultimate goal when going to "Jobtown." Risking one's life for the survival of another is a necessity of the calling. It is what you sign up for. It is what shepherds take an oath to do. Shepherds put themselves in harm's way to protect others.
Our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, lived a perfect sinless life. He willingly endured terrible suffering and a horrific, excruciating death on our behalf. He stood between us and the wrath of God, bearing the punishment for our sins on His body so that we might be forgiven. He is "the" Good Shepherd. As such, He promises to protect us in the darkest of circumstances. With Him on our side, we are able to say, "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil(Psalm 23:4)" because He is always with us.
Even shepherds need a shepherd. Doing the job you do, seeing the things you see, struggling with the temptations and ghosts you face, you need a shepherd. I need a shepherd. We all need a shepherd. Men and women who lead from the front with courage and conviction and who are willing to fight for their subordinates are worthy of earning a following. Jesus is the perfect example of a shepherd worth following.
May the LORD Bless You and Keep You!