"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
- Jesus in Matthew 11:28
Every firefighter I know is burning the perpetual candle at both ends. Our 24 hour shifts lend to countless sleepless nights and cold meals. Then after we don't sleep at night, we go to work our second and third jobs just to make ends meet, and then we do it again. Throw managing our relationships plus all crap that life tends to throw at us, and we become men and women who are always tired. We are flat out exhausted in every way: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our fight for parity just adds to and magnifies that toll.
There are numerous studies, medications, and techniques for getting good rest. We should heed any and every good advice in this arena. However, I do not want us to neglect the most powerful force out there: Christ. If you're like me, you try to take matters into your own hands and keep "pushing through." It's not efficient or effective. Christ asks us to come to Him so that He may take our burdens and give us rest. In exchange for our mental exhaustion He grants us peace of mind. He gives us His strength for our weakness. I encourage you to give your worries, anger, stress, and frustrations to Him. He can handle it better than any of us ever will, so give it to Him.
Today, and every day, take some time to pray or meditate, read the Holy Scriptures, go to Church or watch it online. Connect with the living God, and ask him to take the junk that is beating you down. Ask Him to give you rest. He will. He promises it. Be blessed.
-Captain Bobby Delgado
HFD Chaplain
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