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Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Struggle is Real

A scripture that I have been meditating on shows the inner struggle of its writer. His struggle perfectly mirrors what I’m going through trying to juggle the reality of my career (HFD) and my unwavering pledge to God.  “The Struggle is Real!”

“Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 43:5 NIV

The struggle is between me as a person and my inner soul.  To make it interesting, I’ll tell you what my soul is saying to me.
Me:  Hey Soul, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so upset and downcast lately?
Soul:  Downcast? I’ll tell you why, cause the mayor has robbed my pension, is laying off 220 FFs, and hundreds more are getting demoted. I already work two jobs trying to make ends meet. Tell me, where is the fairness in all this?
Me:  I get it, I see your point…you're pissed off and have every right to be.  At every turn we are getting cut off, one step forward, then two steps back. I’m in this fight with you!     
Soul:  This career, it's everything to me and defines who I am.  Where do I go and who do I turn to?
Me:  I see your pain and frustration, but we are brothers and FF’s who face adversity every day.  We are going to first and foremost keep our hope in God alone, for we are nothing without him.  And then, we are going to praise Him because He is our Savior and our God. Then we are going to continue to serve where God has called us, and we will walk through fire to save those he has called us to save.  Most importantly, remember, it is God who defines us because He is everything.

For the past week, this has been the conversation I’ve been having with myself.  A little crazy? Yes I am, but I’m crazy for Jesus because his Word will always be true.  Putting my faith in “man” has never gotten me anywhere, but keeping my faith in Jesus Christ has been my everything.  My encouragement to you all is to keep the faith, work hard, and never give up hope. "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."
-Sr. Capt. (soon to be demoted) 4/A & L341 Chaplain
Mark Akers

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