"For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:7-8
Can't take it with you. Most of us have spoken those words at some point in our lives. Yet, we willfully place ourselves on that dang running wheel on a regular basis. We chase after more stuff as if it will satisfy us. We like new stuff, nicer stuff, bigger stuff. Many of us work extra jobs and overtime to pay the notes on stuff we don't need or that can wait.
I'm not saying that having nice things is bad. I'm not saying that some of us aren't legitimately busting our humps just to make ends meet on things we actually need. What I am saying is that most of us have not mastered the art of contentment, myself included. Being content is being happy with what you have. It is being grateful for everything and everyone God has placed in your life. It is being okay with not having the bigger house, newer car, latest phone, toy, etc... Simply put, it is wanting what you already have.
When are we going to get off the wheel and live for what matters? When are we going to stop being absent from our friends and families just so we can have one more thing? Time is our most valuable asset and the clock is always ticking. We can never get back lost time. Life is short. Relationships are what matter- God and Family above all else. Let's live a life a of contentment and spend our time with the people who matter. Start by making a list of all your reasons to be thankful.
-Captain Bobby Delgado, HFD Chaplain